Download Google Assistant For Mac

Install Google Assistant in Windows 10 – Google Assistant is the Google’s release of its Competitor Amazon’s Alexa. Currently Google Assistant is available with very limited functionalities in Google’s Allo Android Application, Google is Rolling out it’s new update with Assistant for Google Home and Pixel smartphones.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Install Google Assistant in Windows 10

Install Google Assistant in Windows 10

Mac Assistant runs in the menu bar. The first time you click the menu bar icon, you’ll be asked to sign into your Google account. After that, you’ll see a microphone in the pop-up window. Tap it to start talking to Google Assistant. You can also trigger the assistant by tapping the left Command key two times. Get Google Assistant on Your Windows, Mac or Linux Computer. You can follow these steps to get Google Assistant on your Windows, Mac or Linux computer. While there is no GUI, and you’ll have to interact with the Google Assistant using the Terminal (or Command Prompt), it still is a fun way to get Google Assistant working on your computer.

Installing Python Environment

For Running Google Assistant in your Windows 10 Machine you need to have Python on your system. Not having python ?? Simply Install it right now.

Once you’ve installed Python on your computer. It’s time to Check whether it properly installed or not.

Open Command Prompt and type CMD

and type python and Hit the Enter Button.

Install Google Assistant in Windows 10

Configure Google Assistant API

These step-by-step instructions helps you through the process to enable the Google Assistant API in the Google Cloud Platform Console so you can access Google Assistant through the Python program.

Creating New Project in Google Cloud Platform Console

Go to the Projects page in the Google Cloud Platform Console.

Click on the CREATE PROJECT Button

Name the Project “My Google Assistant” and Click on the Create Button.

Wait few seconds, The Console will create your new Project. You should see a spinning progress icon in the top right. After it is done creating your Project, you will be brought to your Project’s configuration page.

Enabling Google Assistant APIs

Click this link to go straight to the Google Assistant API page. Up top, click “Enable.”

Getting Credentials for the API

Google will warn you that you need to create credentials to use this API. Click “Create credentials” in the top right.

This will take you to a setup wizard page where Google helps you figure out what kind of credentials you need to use this API.

Download Google Assistant For Mac

In next step Under “where will you be calling the API from”, select “Other UI (e.g. Windows, CLI tool)“. For “what data will you be accessing” select the “User data” circle. Now tap “what credentials do I need?”

Google should recommend that you create an OAuth 2.0 client ID. You can choose name of your choice.

Under “product name shown to users” enter any name and Click continue.

Click the Done Button. and Click Download Button to download JSON file.

Now Go to the Activity controls page for your Google account and make sure that “Web & App Activity”, “Location History”, “Device Information”, and “Voice & Audio Activity” are enabled. This is so Google Assistant can actually read you personalized information.

We have now created a mechanism for our system, in this case our Windows 10 machine, to access the Google Assistant API under our Google account. Next we need to set up the client that will access the Google Assistant API.

Install the Google Assistant Sample Python Project

Download Google Assistant For Kindle Fire

Open the Command Prompt and Enter the Below Code and Press Enter.

This will download all the Required Bunch of Dependencies which helps out to run this Project. This will take a little bit of seconds based on your Internet speed.

Once it’s Done. Enter this Command to Navigate to your Downloads Folder.

Copy the JSON file name with .json

Authorizing the Google Assistant API

Replace the Below XXXXXXXX with your File Name you have copied in the Above step.

Now Hit the Enter Button.

Copy the URL mentioned in the Command Prompt and Visit with the Browser.

It will Ask your Email and Password and Seeks for your Permission.

Copy the Authorization code And Paste it in the Command Prompt and Hit the Enter Button.

Testing the Google Assistant

Turn ON your Speakers 😛

The first thing you’ll want to test is whether or not Google Assistant is able to record audio from your microphone. Enter the following command into a command prompt, which will record 5 seconds of audio and play it back to you:

If you hear your audio played back to you, then enter this command to begin talking to Google Assistant:

Wait for the command prompt to say “press Enter to send a new request”, then press Enter to begin talking to Google Assistant. After you’re done speaking, the command prompt will display a transcript of what you just stated and then play back the response. If you see a warning afterwards, just ignore it.


That’s All !! You have Successfully install Google Assistant in your Windows 10 PC. Let’s have some Fun 😛

From the Editor Desk

Personally, I Loved Google Assistant. It’s totally kinda fun. If you have problem while installing feel free to comment below 🙂

Google Home Download For Mac

  • Working
  • Configuration
  • Secure

Download Google Assistant For My Laptop



  • Configuration is Quiet Tough
  • Secure
  • Little Bit fast

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